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Showing 1791

Please add NJE routing to z/OSMF Job Submission

I am opening this on behalf of a customer (see business justification). The customer runs 5-10 z/OS instances in a sysplex but they run as many as 4 JES2 MAS's within a single sysplex. In order for z/OSMF to route jobs to a system today it uses SY...
over 4 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 2 Future consideration

IBMPDSE should issue Messages to joblog as well as SYSPRINT

When running the IBMPDSE utility against a Dataset, there are 4 Return codes that can be set 00 (X'00') SUCCESSFUL COMPLETION.04 (X'04') THE INPUT PDSE IS SLIGHTLY DAMAGED. PROCESSING CONTINUES.08 (X'08') THE INPUT PDSE IS CORRUPTED. THE UTILITY E...
over 7 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS PDS/PDSE 0 Future consideration

Would like to see a function in ISMF that would display the SETSYS options currently in use

Currently if i do a F DFSMSHSM,Q SETSYS - it is a rather long listing. I might missing a setting like MIGRATION HOLDIt would be great if in ISMF, the current parms as they are set could be displayed in an ISPF Table (not to update, just to view)Th...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / DFSMS HSM 1 Future consideration

Provide A Command to Increase a PDSE V2 MAXGEN Value

When allocating a PDSE Version 2 Library one is required to specify a MAXGEN value that limits the number of Member Generations allowed within the PDSE. If the value is too small the user must either live with it, or recreate the PDSE in such as w...
over 4 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS PDS/PDSE 1 Future consideration

Modify ASCII BROWSE to honor Unix line break characters, like ASCII VIEW/EDIT already do

When using BROWSE in ASCII mode, CRLF characters in the Unix filesystem are not honored. The CRLF characters are honored in ASCII VIEW/EDIT. If the XML file size is smaller than 32761, the records are flowed onto one line of length 32760 (maximum ...
about 3 years ago in z/OS / ISPF 0 Future consideration

DFSMS to store encryption keys of backed up datasets in new VVDS cell

Ability to see encryption keys of datasets included in DFDSS backups
almost 6 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS Access Methods Non-Vsam 2 Future consideration

Include the Rexx Execs documented in Appendix E of the CMS User's Guide and Reference.

Appendix E of the CMS User's Guide and Reference (SC24-6252-01) describes in great detail how to build Pipelines function packages in Rexx. However, the needed exec to actually do this (the FPLKWDTB, FPLEPTBL, and FPLMSGTB exercs) are not shipped ...
over 1 year ago in z/VM 0 Future consideration

NSSD Passticket Authentication with RACF protected Userid

During initialization of IKED-NSSD communication, IKED has to transfer a RACF Userid/Password or a RACF Userid/Passticket combination. When using a passticket, the RACF userid must not have the RACF protected attribute. When this Userid is used un...
about 7 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 0 Future consideration

A mechanism that uses RACF protected ids (and equivalent for other ESMs) without storing them off platform to ensure they are secure

The automation solution will use a series of privileged interactive service accounts to fulfil user requests. Any solution to protect those ids e.g. OTP, ssh key pairs, needs to use the ESM to store the security credentials, They must not be store...
about 2 years ago in z/OS / RACF 0 Future consideration

Convert EBCDIC to ASCII in Z/OS with EDCICONV don't generate carriage return

There's no way to convert a file from EBCDIC to ASCII or Unicode without copy the file to USS With the utility EDCICONV the file generated don't get any carriage return (crlf or lf). This can easily be done under USS. However, we are looking to pe...
almost 6 years ago in z/OS / LE 1 Future consideration