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Showing 3569

Prevent LPAR definitions that would span CPC drawers

When configuring LPAR definitions for a CEC via the HMC, logic should exist to prevent customers from specifying a configuration of zIIPs, CPs, and weight that would result in an LPAR that spans drawers. Basically, perform the calculations for the...
9 months ago in IBM Z and LinuxONE Systems Hardware / HMC/Support Element (SE) 0 Future consideration

Add a last login timestamp attribute for z/OS LDAP.

The z/OS LDAP server would be greatly enhanced by including a password policy operational attribute called pwdLastLogin which contains a dated timestamp of the last time an entry has logged in to the server.
9 months ago in z/OS / LDAP 0 Planned for future release

Remove limitation of 1500 entries in D RRS,UREX

From an RRS perspective the D RRS,UREX command does not show any URs when the count exceeds the limit of 1500 entries. D RRS,UREX ATR624I 11.00.42 RRS UR EXCEPTION SYSTEM URID WAIT FOR * Data truncated. DISPLAY RRS work area exceeded This is a des...
over 5 years ago in z/OS / BCP_RRS 0 Future consideration

Add SSI 82 functions to return current values of items in DEF parms

We recently dropped all direct control block access (using an offset table) in a product, switching to SSI 82 ("the supported way"). This created an issue with one customer, who was depending on the value we returned for the spool volume prefix. I...
about 1 year ago in z/OS / JES2 0 Future consideration

DIRMAINT needs to do additional RACF commands when creating a new virtual machine

DIRMAINT needs to do additional RACF commands when creating a new virtual machine. This is useful in a RACF environment using sitewide SECLABELs for mandatory access control. The commands affected would be DIRM ADD. An additional operand of SECLAB...
over 1 year ago in z/VM 1 Not under consideration

Enhance message IFA016I with the root cause

There are numerous reasons a SMF dump program IFASMFDP USER exit might not be available, but the IFA016I message is a catch-all / generic message that does not provide any useful information (outside of an abend issue) which the user can use to di...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / BCP_SMF 0 Future consideration

Ability to send message to zOS Syslog from Docker container in zCX

In an attempt avoid custom code running on the z/OS side I'm simply using fluentd to format the messages then write them out to the USS syslog, which in turn is set to write them to the console. They're being written out fine but are all preceded ...
over 4 years ago in z/OS / Container Extensions (zCX) 3 Future consideration

BLKSize of 16KB is much less than TapeBlkSZLim of 256K

DFSMShsm only writes 16K-Blocks to Tape,both for Migration and Backup.Many of our files are greater ones, which would participate much of larger block sizes.
about 10 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS HSM 7 Planned for future release

WLM performance index evaluation period should be reduced to 5 seconds or less

We have critical transactions that all of them should be ended in any case within 3 seconds. Even theses transaction have been properly defined to WLM, during high CPU utilization intervals, some of these transactions run for more than 5 seconds c...
9 months ago in z/OS / BCP_WLM 0 Future consideration

Enhance JES2 to support compression of dynamic PDS PROCLIBs.

Enhance JES2 to support compression of dynamic PDS PROCLIBs.
almost 6 years ago in z/OS / JES2 0 Future consideration