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Is there any status update on this request or about future directions?
kind regards
This item is a valid requirement and being tracked in our backlog.
Maybe there is a more holistic way to solve this generally as there is already a kind of solution available in SA for BPXM023I.
Trapping messages issued with the UNIX __console() service
Message BPXM023I is written to the operator when an application has called the __console() (BPX1CCS/
BPX4CCS) service to issue a message and the process calling the service is not running with UID=0.
BPXM023I is a wrapper that folds around the actual message. It is either a single-line or a multi-line
To make this message easy to automate, an INGMSGSA automation table statement reformats it to have
just one single format. This automation table statement removes the first line of the message if
BPXM023I is a multi-line message, or removes the prefix if BPXM023I is a single-line message. Thus you
can drive reliable automation for this message despite of the caller's privileges.
How SA reformats BPXM023I is documented in the INGMSGSA automation table as follows.