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Hello, this is because the rules within the Rabobank is that not the SYS1.RACF database may be used, but the SYS1.RACF.BACKUP for requesting information. On the SYS1.RACF.BACKUP database all the display request are been invoked. Also within zSecure the SYS1.RACF.BACKUP will be made available for use. So when we display information of a user, the requested information is not correct when we look at the LastCon information. So this is why we try to put the statistics on for the SYS1.RACF.BACKUP database.
Regards Henny Hesse.
Thank you for submitting this requirement. We would appreciate additional information.
Why did you want to enable statistics to be duplicated on your backup database? Why is that important for your backup? As stated in the System Programmers Guide, setting statistics on is not recommended due to performance considerations when changing many RACF profiles. By the way, regardless of the setting, the first update of the day always results in statistics being updated/duplicated.