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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

This is the public portal for all IBM Z Hardware and Operating System related offerings. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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Showing 21

Deliver security / integrity / vulnerability notification information in a consistent field delineated format

Security / integrity and vulnerability notifications may be difficult to obtain, assess, correlate and act upon. Format and delivery mechanisms are obtuse, inconsistent at an industry level or may be missing altogether. Leaving each customer expos...
10 days ago in z/OS / General 1 Submitted

z/OSMF store result into log file

We had the situation that an ISV software trys to call an z/OSMF REST API (dataset service). The ISV product only returned HTTP 500. In the z/OSMF logs, also only the HTTP 500 was visible. The error that was seen within z/OS was: ICH408 for $LIBPA...
5 days ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Submitted

have z/OSMF exploit shared libraries - todayit is just enabled

The default for Java shared library support is to store the information in memory. This means the first time a Java program is started it loads the libraries, and saves the information in memory. The second time the Java program is started it can ...
1 day ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Submitted

IEA370I - Add CONSOLE command to display active MASTCAT (e.g. F CATALOG,MASTCAT)

For auditing purposes it is important to be able to identify the active master catalog. Currently during IPL IEA370I message is issued to display the master catalog, but the message comes too early to be found in SYSLOG or captured by basic automa...
2 days ago in z/OS / DFSMS Catalog/IDCAMS/AMS 0 Submitted

Buffering log of NIP console

If an IPL of a z/OS system gets stuck in the NIP phase there is only very limited information available on diagnosing the error. Usually it is only the 24 lines of output on the NIP console. If the messages describing the error roll out of the con...
2 days ago in z/OS / BCP_Consoles 0 Submitted

Enhance the syscall readfile to understand file codepage

Currently readfile only appears to understand files that are tagged with IBM-1047. Files tagged with ISO8859-1 are returned by readfile without translation and are thus unreadable on the EBCDIC platform. readfile is a powerful tool for the rexx de...
9 days ago in z/OS / TSO 0 Submitted

Add sudo command into the base install USS security

Integrating sudo like Linux has would improve security by being able to use superuser privileges on a case-by-case basis rather than having all of your commands be superuser authorized. We'd also be able to set restrictions and timeouts in the sud...
9 days ago in z/OS / RACF 0 Submitted

Create a SMF security violation for failures on BPX.SUPERUSER so installations can use it to detect possible hacks or attacks.

Please refer to case: TS017997103 for additional information Our intent was to audit the usage of the "su" command, and subsequent access granted once a user has switched user. Primarily we want to audit the "su" to ROOT userid. Thinking we could ...
4 days ago in z/OS / RACF 0 Submitted

All shell and utilities must respect the code page tag on all files.

I'm primarily interested in the openssh, specifically ssh-keygen, but all shell/utilities need to be code page tag aware. This is extremely important as some ported tools will create files as ISO8859-1 causing those files to be unusable by some of...
22 days ago in z/OS / Shell & Utilities 3 Submitted

Remove DES as an option for password encryption for newer releases of RACF

Please can you consider removing DES as an option in RACF in a future release of z/OS & RACF, to force sites to upgrade to KDFAES. I teach a lot of Auditors about Mainframe Security and they are very surprised to learn that DES is still a thin...
5 days ago in z/OS / RACF 0 Submitted