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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

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All ideas

Showing 3569 of 3569

Common Recall Queue, Request for Enhancement

Common Recall Queue manual process of holding recall queue before you vary off local drives on specific LPAR, so the common recall queue can reach the other LPAR drives.
over 9 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS HSM 2 Not under consideration

TKE 8.0 is too loud

In comparision with the TKE 7.2 the TKE 8.0 is very loud, even if it is turned off. The TKE is placed in our office and the high noise level in off mode is disturbing while working.
over 9 years ago in IBM Z and LinuxONE Systems Hardware / HMC/Support Element (SE) 3 Not under consideration

Pct busy of each type of processor on system summary report

Cust is running 2 zVM systems. One as a IFL only zVM system, the other one with CPs and ZIIPs in addition in a VM mode LPAR. Each zVM has 5 IFLs which are highly used. We use system summary (panel 35 from menu) from perfkit for "system health moni...
over 9 years ago in z/VM 2 Not under consideration


High-volume TN3270 applications are negatively impacted by this internal trace with options PSS and SMS being active by default at VTAM start-up.These options (at high transaction rates), cause excessive CPU utilization in the TN3270 address space...
over 9 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 5 Not under consideration


It would be nice to be able to use SHAREPORT with PORTRANGE
almost 5 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 1 Not under consideration

LDAP zOS - internal static group lookup

Create a parameter to choose the objectclass that will be used to search in DB2 for static Groups of a user in function tdbm_get_staticgroups()
over 9 years ago in z/OS / LDAP 2 Not under consideration

LDAP zOS - SNMP Monitoring

Implement SNMP Monitoring for directory server RFC2605
over 9 years ago in z/OS / LDAP 3 Not under consideration

LDAP z/OS - Referential integrity plug-in

Implement a Referential integrity plug-in like available in ITDS for other platforms.
over 9 years ago in z/OS / LDAP 1 Future consideration

z/OSMF Support to Provide Resource Inventory Managementy

When using Ansible or other orchestration technologies it would be helpful to have z/OSMF CP&M act as a resource manager for resources on z/OS. Ideally, having z/OSMF enable the following functions: 1. Provide a unique ID to associate multiple...
almost 5 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 2 Future consideration

zVM Flashcopy processing using XRC Mirrored volumes

When executing a CP FLASHCOPY process for dasd volumes (Cyl 1 - END), in an XRC mirrored environment, errors occur if the target dasd volume is a XRC Primary volume. The IBM Storage and VSE Support team provide STF a list of all dasd volumes the c...
almost 5 years ago in z/VM 0 Future consideration