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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

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Showing 3569

zOSMF - NCA allow to delete default 'Security Levels'

Since a recent upgrade the NCA introduced the capability to delete or add all the default rules which is an appreciated feature. Whereas this idea focuses on the extension of the same functionality to the 'Security Levels'. As we only operate on c...
8 months ago in z/OS / Communications Server 0 Future consideration

List General Resource Classes that were not unloaded by IRRDBU00 in the SYSPRINT output from IRRDBU00

Output from IRRDBU00 is highly dependent upon the general resource classes that are defined on the system where the unload is performed. IRRDBU00 does not unload profiles in classes that are not defined on the system where it is executed and does ...
7 months ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Not under consideration

Report the RACF database template level of each INDDn database in the SYSPRINT output from IRRDBU00

Output from IRRDBU00 is highly dependent upon the level of the templates in the database being unloaded. Knowing the level of the templates can help set expectations as to the contents of the unload. This information can also provide a mechanism f...
7 months ago in z/OS / RACF 1 Not under consideration

Allow to offload records at SMF LOGSTREAM, with OPTIONS(ARCHIVE) for specific SID or allow with OPTIONS(DUMP) with offload and delete for a specific SID.

As we already know, that IFASMFDL SMF offload utility with OPTIONS (ARCHIVE) does not allow us to offload with specific to a SYSID when more than 1 LPAR are connected to the same Log Stream and at the same time on other hand with the OPTIONS (DUMP...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / BCP_SMF 0 Future consideration

z/OSMF Software Deployment - Add workflows

Unable to add customer specific "workflow" in a software deployment.
over 3 years ago in z/OS / SMP/E 0 Future consideration

Capability in zOSMF workflow for 'superuser' to mark complete steps owned by other users

We have custom automated zOSMF workflows that are created and started by system users. Sometimes the steps in these workflows are not successful and are resolved outside the workflow, but we don't have a way for a human to 'mark complete' these st...
about 1 month ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 3 Needs more information

Changing Allocation Libraries Values during a Deployment operation in z/OSMF Software Management

Using the CustomPac ISPF Dialogs, we previously had the ability to change allocation dataset values via ServerPac while installing a new zos version. We used to do this trying to avoid space jcl problems while applying RSUs and PTF during the whol...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / SMP/E 1 Future consideration

Expanding CCA Callable Services and Crypto Express Support for zCX/OCP

Presently, there exists a limitation in invoking CCA (Common Cryptographic Architecture) callable services, particularly those pertinent to financial services, ( from Java applications...
10 months ago in z/OS / Container Extensions (zCX) 0 Future consideration

Enhance DSFS CreateParm to support masking for the path

The createparm path is currently a high-level-qualifier of one or more levels. It needs to be more granular such as hlq.*.ASM or hlq.*.EXEC as this makes more sense as all ASM would be FB 80 and EXEC would be either FB 80 or VB 255 depending on th...
about 1 year ago in z/OS / Data Set File System (DSFS) 1 Future consideration

Add connection pooling support to the web enablement toolkit

We would like to have a connection option that could be specified by using the HWTHSET service. This option would allow applications to enable connection pooling. We are already taking advantage of similar functionality on CICS where we are using ...
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / web enablement toolkit 1 Future consideration