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We perform full volume backups and restores from an MVS system. When the original SMS managed volume and the restored volume (using a different VOLSER) label are brought online to the same system where the original volumes data sets are also cataloged, we are unable to copy data residing in same name PDS/E data sets from the restored volume to the original volume. SMS allocation routines do not allow the copy to occur because the data set is cataloged on the original volume but we are trying to copy data from the restored volume using the same data set name. SMS complains that there is a cataloged volume mis-match.
Would like this restriction relaxed, possibly through an additional RACF profile?
Idea priority | Medium |
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You have some other possible approaches to this. This all assumes you're using the DFSMSdss utility. One is to do Logical DUMP's with NEWNAMEU so the datasets on the backup are different to the original names. This is a bit more hassle because it uses the UIM so requires additional RACF set up. But the restored names would be different to the originals so no catalog conflict, and you can COPY data from the restored newnamed datasets to your originals either with DSS or other utilities. Depending on your SMS ACS set up these could be restored to the same or a separate STORGRP.
Or you can do logical RESTORE's of the original named datasets from your backups with RENAMEU to rename them to another unique name.
With either approach you also have the option to do the RESTORE's with REPLACEU to overlay the entire target datasets if you wanted to as long as you also specify RENAMEU to match the source and target names correctly. If you only want to do this for selected datasets you have to be careful to specify those names in the DS(INC( - ) or the DS(FDD(-)) with a FILTERDD specifying the names. Using BY(DSORG EQ (PDS,PDSE)) ensures only PDS's are restored. Otherwise any unmatched names will be restored to the names they have on the backup.
Beware target datasets cannot be in use when doing this.
If you RESTORE the datasets to the new names so they're unique, you then have the option to COPY source to target with REPLACEU as well, with the same restrictions as for RESTORE above. Or you can copy individual datasets using other utilities such as IEBCOPY.
You're trying to break fundamental rules of Z/OS with this. Without an OEM product to 'condition' your restored volumes (e.g. Mainstar/Rocket VCR, or Catalog Recovery Plus) to rename the volumes and datasets after the restore this could never work if being restored to the same sysplex as the original volumes.
You cannot have duplicate named datasets if they're SMS managed as the catalog structure doesn't allow for it, even if using multi level Usercatalog aliases.
If your restored new named SMS format volume names are not included as definitions in an SMS Storgrp (even as DISNEW) then datasets on them are not accessible.
You really need to move away from physical to logical volume or dataset DUMP's, then you can do RESTORE's with RENAMEU of your PDS/PDSE's to new names. Where they get restored depends on their new names and how the ACS routines in your SMS configuration are set up.
Due to processing by IBM, this request was reassigned to have the following updated attributes:
Brand - Servers and Systems Software
Product family - z Systems Software
Product - z/OS
Component - DFSMS DSS
Operating system - IBM z/OS
Source - None
For recording keeping, the previous attributes were:
Brand - Servers and Systems Software
Product family - z Systems Software
Product - z/OS
Component - DFSMS General/Unknown
Operating system - IBM z/OS
Source - None