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How is the status of this problem?
Please refer to the dump in CASE TS004092701.
ABEND212 caused IMS CTL region down.
We want to correct this problem in DFSMS side to skip ABEND and return RC=08 as same as PDS.
I tested I/O error case of IMS Managed ACB directory data set, which is PDSE.
I simulated I/O error using volume offline after DCB was opened.
I expected that I could get control via SYNAD or ABEND EXIT..
But BLDL request to PDSE data set got IEC909I 212-00 and program was terminated.
In case of standard PDS, BLDL got RC=08 as expected.
< Scenario >
BLDL to Member-1 ; RC=00
READ & CHECK CC=7F ; Member-1 was read.
Reply to WTOR
BLDL to Member-2 -> IEC909I 212-00,LISTAC15,GO ,IMSACB ,00000018,150BC008
Program was terminated without SYNAD exit nor ABEND exit called.
If Member-1 and Member-2 existed within same PDS directory block, BLDL could complete with RC=00 but
READ got wrong member data - Member-1 instead of Member-2. => It is the problem in TS0032879334.
My concern in this case is why ABEND exit was not called on this ABEND212.
Please refer to CASE TS003316197 for additional information. This case has some materials include a DUMP and has required information.
Also, please refer to CASE TS003287934.
If you need other materials, please state it specific and exactly.
Can you please provide more information on what specifically is causing the ABEND212 with a PDSE, and what additional information may be coming out on the IEC909I message? The doc indicates this is some kind of unspecified internal error and, if so, we really would want an ABEND and dump to alert us to that.