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Core Infrastructure

Showing 2955

Updating SYS1.SAMPLIB(EDGJRECV) to not require lost tape rack number or create new sample member to recover virtual volume

Currently, the EDGJRECV sample for recovering lost tape volume records in RMM CDS requires rack number in the IN1 DD CARD, which is not possible for virtual/logical volumes, so the sample cannot be used to recover lost virtual tape volume records.
over 4 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS RMM 0 Future consideration

Need originating IP address for any 3270 session (TSO, CICS, etc.)

When users enter 3270 to access various applications such as TSO and CICS screens, the SMF records (ideally in SMF 80) should capture both the RACF userid and the source IP address initiating the 3270 session.
about 7 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 2 Future consideration

ADRDSSU Enhancement

ADRDSSU fails to reinitialize a space efficient flash copy volume if the volume UCB shows a count greater than zero. This leaves the volume online without a VTOC and subject to I/O errors if referenced. When using the FCWD option with ADRDSSU, a R...
about 7 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS DSS 2 Future consideration

ARMWRAP needs to be added as a supported function

ARMWRAP, the ARM JCL wrapper, was made available as a download associated with the Redpaper for ARMWRAP . The information in the Redpaper is inconsistent with the way the source is designed and clients are struggling with errors. For example, the ...
over 4 years ago in z/OS / BCP_XCF/XES 0 Future consideration

No warning on "conflicting" use of "SEQ" keyword in SuperC

When doing SuperC compares, the "SEQ" processing option is only valid for FB(80)/VB(255) datasets.
over 4 years ago in z/OS / ISPF 0 Future consideration

Enhancement Recycle like process to help overcome the number of container restrictions for HSM TCT.

Enhancement ::We are looking at the possibility of an Recycle like process for datasets within a container.As the containers get old, there is possibility of data getting expired in them. This may result in containers holding very little/small num...
over 4 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS HSM 0 Future consideration

RACF R_ticketserv callable service should allow PTKTDATA profiles qualified with group and/or userid

Currently the PTKTDATA profile provided to R_ticketserv is limited to a 1-8 characters application name. Extending this to allow profile names of the form would allow more granularity to control who can use passickets for a ...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / RACF 2 Not under consideration

IDC3009I rc30 rsn34 in moving VOLCAT

My customer encounters MSGADR497E as below while moving a VOLCAT.ADR497E (001)-CATLG(04), A CATALOG ERROR OCCURRED WHILE DEFINING USER CATALOG SYS1.VOLCAT.VGENERAL.T1406145.T3249100. RETURN CODE IS 030, REASON CODE IS EM-034 But IDC3009I rc30 rsn3...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / DFSMS DSS 1 Not under consideration

Allow rexx program to insert file tailoring output lines

File tailoring skeletons allow imbedded rexx programs through the use of )REXX and )ENDREXX tags. I would like for those rexx programs to be able to insert new lines of output to the ISPFILE output, without leaving the rexx program. The rexx progr...
about 10 years ago in z/OS / ISPF 3 Not under consideration

Create a spreadsheet dur SMF 113

In an old version of RMF under the Windows application there is an IBM RMF Performance Management application. Under this application there was the HIS and CSV Reporting which analyzed the SMF 113. It seems that IBM with the new versions, IBM deci...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / RMF 2 Not under consideration