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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

This is the public portal for all IBM Z Hardware and Operating System related offerings. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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Core Infrastructure

Showing 2957

New Parameter: Automatically terminate FTP data session with termination of FTP control session

Provide a parameter to indicate that an FTP dataconnection should be terminated if the associated control connection isterminated.
over 6 years ago in z/OS / Communications Server 1 Not under consideration

Create new "last login timestamp" attribute in LDAP for entries

RACF provides an attribute, LAST-ACCESS, which is mapped to racfLastAccess in SDBM which can be found here: This searchable attribute returns th...
almost 4 years ago in z/OS / LDAP 0 Planned for future release

Add Rexx APIs for accessing EZNOSQL Databases

It would allow more utilities and programs to access EZNOSQL Databases. It would be useful for the product currently under development.
about 1 year ago in z/OS / DFSMS EzNoSQL 2 Future consideration

Make CEETBCK statement_id parameter optional for performance reasons

In order to populate the statement_id parameter, CEETBCK needs to invoke the debug infrastructure, which can present considerable overhead if CEETBCK is frequently used ie. in non-error contexts. Passing a null pointer (OMITTED in the case of COBO...
over 6 years ago in z/OS / LE 2 Future consideration

FCIC JOB takes long time with msg IGD17291I.

When the client tries to take DB2 image copy by a use of FlashCopy, it takes very long time with msg IGD17291I.This IGD1729I message means, "when the initial allocation can not be satisfied on one volume, it will try to add additional volumes to t...
about 6 years ago in z/OS / DFSMS DSS 1 Future consideration

Allow a signed workflow definition to reside on a remote system

We keep our workflow (WF) definitions on one system, and then pull them from various systems around the globe when creating WF instances. We want to be able to have a zOS related WF that calls a DB2 related WF (example: bind some packages). Both W...
9 months ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration

Enhance DFSMS to check for assignment of DATACLASS values for the SCDS, ACDS, & COMMDS

This will inform administrators prior to an activation that a configuration conflict exist which may cause activation to go into allocation, effectively preventing activation from proceeding. Worse case could be a difficult to recover CDS file.
9 months ago in z/OS / DFSMS SMS 0 Future consideration

Provide customer with the option refreshing the msg10 screen when the 'clear' key is hit

Before applying the fix for PQ59246, using a USSMSG10 screen during a TN3270 session logon, when the 'clear' key is hit, the msg10 screen is always refreshed. After PQ59246, it was changed to leave the screen completely clear of any data. Actually...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / Communications Server 3 Not under consideration

ISPF SRCHFOR function fails to notify the user when additition hidden options are in place

When using SRCHFOR on the ISPF Command line in option 3.4, it will sometimes not find the string even though it does exist in the list. This can occur when there are other options specified that are not seen by the user unless they enter SRCHFOR (...
about 8 years ago in z/OS / ISPF 0 Future consideration

Warning about problems during code page conversion while uploading and downloading text data

Product: Zowe CLI, VS Code Extension for Zowe Actor: User editing data from z/OS datasets, members, or UNIX files on a workstation and using a different encoding than IBM-1047 on the mainframe (e.g. IBM-870, IBM-037, IBM-273...) in the text mode P...
over 4 years ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration