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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

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Showing 3592

ZOWE User Redbook

So many questions in Zowe Slack! A user-friendly Redbook for user-level Zowe WIBNI
5 months ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 1 Not under consideration

Provide a ascertained historical view of all installed and/or activated capacity records

Why is it useful? In our installation a variety of different capacity records are used on multiple machines with frequent changes to the activated capacity levels. This makes it cumbersome to reconstruct the active capacity levels for any given po...
over 2 years ago in IBM Z and LinuxONE Systems Hardware / HMC/Support Element (SE) 3 Functionality already exists

Enhance SMS message IGD17279I to better describe file allocation error - the diagnostic code in the message (041A041D) is not useful.

Hello, we recently had an incident with non-VSAM allocation space problems on EAV volumes due to the Dataclass EATTR defaulting to 'blank'. We came across the following message and required IBM support to provide an explanation: IGD17279I 411 VOLU...
about 2 months ago in z/OS / DFSMS Access Methods Non-Vsam 0 Under review

z/OSMF SCA: Improve handling of variables

Remove current restrictions: - Allow for "." in variable values - this is useful to replace values e.g. for dataset names which may consist of one or more qualifiers - Replace the same variable name in any pattern, even if the the position / numbe...
6 months ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 1 Future consideration

SDSF to provide a display/panel for System Recovery Boost (SRB) for Middleware Subsystems on z16 showing boost eligibility and if boost has actually occurred along with type of boost.

There is currently no way to determine whether a Middleware Subsystem running on a z16 is eligible for BOOST without going into the WLM Service Definition --> Classification Rules --> STC and then paging right to check the BOOST column. Not ...
12 months ago in z/OS / SDSF 1 Future consideration

Cleanup user specific settings from z/OSMF filesystem

User specific settings are being stored in multiple places in the z/OSMF filesystem. Users come and go, and when a userid is removed from a z/OS system, his/her user specific settings remain in the z/OSMF filesystem on this system. Over time this ...
7 months ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Future consideration

ISPF Edit should be site configurable to prevent the Editing of a non-zero PDSE member generation.

Editing a non-zero (non-base) PDSE member generation is asking for trouble for many reasons, the least of which is that non-zero generations are not able to be accessed via JCL or dynamic allocation. After much discussion on PDSEGEN the decision a...
almost 2 years ago in z/OS / ISPF 0 Future consideration

Improvemet for recovery from MCL out of sync status

The failure of SE console HDD were occurred during MCL apply. Then it was MCL out of sync status.If the difference between MCL of SE Console and MCL of CPC is 1 Level, POR (Power on Reset) is not required for recovery.However, if it is 2 levels or...
almost 6 years ago in IBM Z and LinuxONE Systems Hardware / HMC/Support Element (SE) 3 Not under consideration

Use the IBM Ideas portal to report and monitor status of z/OS documentation RCF's

Recent responses to a documentation omission message sent to the regular RCF email address ( received a response that RCF's no longer normally receive any response from the documentation team(s). Users who have taken the trouble to...
over 1 year ago in z/OS / Documentation 1 Not under consideration

Allow HSM to have a provision for date/time overwrite in MIGRATE command (same as BACKDS).

Currently the only way to update the original date/time when a file is migrated is with a PATCH command. Please allow HSM MIGRATE command to set this date like the BACKDS command does
25 days ago in z/OS / DFSMS HSM 0 Under review