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IBM Z Hardware and Operating Systems Ideas Portal

This is the public portal for all IBM Z Hardware and Operating System related offerings. To view all of your ideas submitted to IBM, create and manage groups of Ideas, or create an idea explicitly set to be either visible by all (public) or visible only to you and IBM (private), use the IBM Unified Ideas Portal (

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Core Infrastructure

Showing 2980 of 3588

SYSLOGD / syslog() API - Make it possible to configure a custom AF_UNIX socket for syslog() API

We'd like to get an option for the openlog() / syslog() / closelog() API to configure the AF_UNIX socket to direct the logging messages to another SYSLOGD that is running with -p option configured. The reason for this is, that we consider to run a...
6 days ago in z/OS / LE 0 Under review

Deliver security / integrity / vulnerability notification information in a consistent field delineated format

Security / integrity and vulnerability notifications may be difficult to obtain, assess, correlate and act upon. Format and delivery mechanisms are obtuse, inconsistent at an industry level or may be missing altogether. Leaving each customer expos...
24 days ago in z/OS / General 1 Submitted

Sign the z/OS Customized Offerings Driver for Validated Boot

The IBM Customized Offerings Driver (IBM Program No. 5751-COD) should be digitally signed by IBM so that it can be optionally checked in the field using Validated Boot for z/OS procedures. Although IBM Z installations can already validate the inte...
2 days ago in z/OS / BCP_General 0 Submitted

Provide options to cancel active user sessions

It would be beneficial to have options to cancel active user sessions in order to comply with an audit requirement. This would involve providing the following options: Enhancing the Usage Satatistics plugin by selecting a box beside a User ID, the...
12 days ago in z/OS / z/OSMF 0 Submitted

Add sudo command into the base install USS security

Integrating sudo like Linux has would improve security by being able to use superuser privileges on a case-by-case basis rather than having all of your commands be superuser authorized. We'd also be able to set restrictions and timeouts in the sud...
23 days ago in z/OS / Ported Tools 0 Under review

Allow for individual RACF installations to select their own pass phrase controls like Broadcom allows for ACF2

JPMC has a policy regarding pass phrases as follows: Password length of 16 characters or greater must be enforced Passwords must not be one of the last 10 passwords used Passwords must not include the digital identity username Passwords must not c...
3 days ago in z/OS / RACF 0 Submitted

Buffering log of NIP console

If an IPL of a z/OS system gets stuck in the NIP phase there is only very limited information available on diagnosing the error. Usually it is only the 24 lines of output on the NIP console. If the messages describing the error roll out of the con...
16 days ago in z/OS / BCP_Consoles 0 Submitted

Desirable new feature: GROUP revoke inactive days and consequently new user inactivity policy (based on ZOS-I-4312)

As per your recommendation we reopen the idea ZOS-I-4312
3 days ago in z/OS / RACF 0 Submitted

Extend z/OS Validated Boot Protections to z/OS Sysplexes

Currently z/OS Validated Boot only operates within the scope of a single z/OS LPAR (or z/VM guest in limited fashion) — what I'll refer to as a "Stage 0" configuration (in Enable mode). Thus it's currently possible for a z/OS Sysplex to consist of...
3 days ago in z/OS / BCP_General 0 Submitted

SYSLOGD zIIP eligable

Since z/OS V3R1 backported to V2R5 (PH47666), SYSLOGD provides the possibility to send logs to remote systems. This open's a whole new world, like connecting systems to Splunk in a very easy way. In times of every MIPS count, this new possibilitie...
10 days ago in z/OS / Communications Server 1 Not under consideration